
k8彩乐园app官网下载的住宿生活有问题吗? 餐计划? 成功过渡到校园生活的最佳实践? 你来对地方了.

Q. 房间里有什么样的设施啊?
A. Every residence hall room has a bed, dresser drawers, and either a closet or wardrobe. 每个宿舍内都有洗衣服务(免费), 一个厨房, 厕所/淋浴, 至少要有一个学生聚会的地方. 这些设施因宿舍而异. 请浏览我们的 虚拟旅游视频 了解更多信息.

Q. 房间里有空调或暖气吗?
A. All residence halls have heat, but only a few have air conditioning (Connors and Joel's House).

Q. 校园的各个宿舍都有供水站吗?
A. 我们的宿舍没有水站,只有饮水机. 我们的许多教学楼都有饮水站.

Q. 允许宠物进入住宅楼吗?
A. 所有动物(ESA和服务)必须通过 学业成功中心. 学生可以在一个10加仑的鱼缸里养鱼.

Q. 什么硬件可以把东西挂在墙上?
A. We recommend Command Strips as students cannot use nails or anything that punctures the wall. 请 note that we do not allow any fabrics to be hung on our walls (tapestries, flags, shirts, etc.).

Q. 房间有镜子吗??
A. 我们大多数房间都有镜子, but many students also bring their own smaller mirrors that can be hung on the wall/doors with Command Strips.

Q. 建议用多大尺寸的地毯,典型的房间是多大尺寸?
A. We suggest 5'x7' area rugs and encourage you to work with your roommate in regard to who is bringing what.

Q. 洗衣舱可以吗??
A. 我们鼓励学生避免使用吊舱,因为它们会堵塞机器.

Q. How much room is under the bed when raised, and what size storage container will fit under the beds?
A. 当上升到最大高度时, 我们的床底下有25英寸的空隙, 因此,任何储存袋都应该适合.

Q. If there is still billing issue regarding housing on my student account, who should I contact?
A. 请电子邮件 马克斯Koskoff,住宅社区总监. Even though he may not respond immediately, please note he is looking into the issue for you.

Q. Is there a list of items that are or are not allowed to be brought into the halls?
A. 是的,有一个名单 什么要带,什么要留在家里!

Q. 我如何决定哪种饮食计划最适合我?
A. That is a very personal decision and is often based on your style of eating. 如果你没钱了,你也可以买菲亚特Bux.

Q. 我可以改变我的饮食计划吗?
A. 是的,你现在可以通过提交一份 膳食计划变更请求. 第一个星期五下午4点上课, you may visit the Office of 居住生活 in 巴特利特大厅 to make a change.

Q. 如果我有食物过敏怎么办?
A. When you arrive on campus, go talk to the dining staff in Ade Hall and inform them. They are more than willing to work with you to accommodate any allergies you may have while still making great food. 这一切都是为了让他们提前做好准备.

Q. 撒克逊刷卡和用餐美元有什么区别?
A. Saxon Swipes are only used for meals in the 鲍威尔校园中心 (a la carte). 餐厅 Dollars can be utilized at any food place on campus on any items, even Starbucks!


Q. 有搬运重行李的服务吗?
A. 不幸的是,我们不提供这项服务.

Q. 搬进来的第一天我在哪里可以买到吃的?
A. 午餐和晚餐一样供应. For a full listing of events happening on move in day for both first year students and returning students, 请浏览我们的 欢迎周 页面.

Q. 入住当天会发生什么?
A. Move in day is filled with events from a BBQ to a session for families, 去看艺术展, 去书店购物. It is also a time for you to get organized and settled into your residence hall space.

Q. 我要在那里帮助我的学生多长时间?
A. 我们要求家属在下午5点前离开.m.

Q. 搬进来的时候停车怎么用?
A. 停车许可证可通过以下途径获得 公共安全 或者在搬家的时候.

Q. 有多少人可以支持一个学生搬进来?
A. 家庭 can help their student move-in, and we ask that all wear a mask.

Q. Will early arrivals move directly into their residence halls or stay with the team until move-in?
A. A majority of early arrival students will go directly into their permanent fall housing assignment. Due to reunion weekend being so close to move-in for some early arrivals, 并非每个人都是如此, 所以有些人可能需要去做临时任务.

Q. 在哪里可以找到室友的信息?
A. Roommate information can be found in the email correspondence from 居住生活 that outlines the student's residence hall and room, 膳食计划和室友.

Q. If I don't have a roommate in my email conformation, does that mean I have a single?
A. 它可能意味着这一点,但它并不是一个保证. 它也可以表示某人还没有被安置在那里.

Q. 如果我飞进去,有没有航天飞机?
A. 是的,罗彻斯特机场有班车. 你可以 在这里报名乘坐穿梭巴士. 这是免费的.

Q. 如果我不能在指定的时间内完成移动怎么办?
A. 如果你不能在指定的入住时间和日期入住, you must contact the 居住生活 office to make alternate arrangements to check-in.

Q. 如果我还没拿到房屋分配怎么办?
A. 如果你还没有收到你的住房分配,请发电子邮件 马克斯Koskoff,住宅社区总监.

Q. 大学在夏季提供存储选项吗?
A. Unfortunately, we do not have space to offer storage for students over the summer. We do, however, partner with a local private third party storage company, 目标:自我存储,提供取件和送货服务.

Q. 我的邮寄地址是什么?我将如何收到我的邮箱号码?
A. You will receive your 鲍威尔校园中心 mailbox number at move-in day. 你的通讯地址为:

Q. If I arrive early for any reason how will I receive my mailbox number?
A. 请在上午8点到鲍威尔校区中心的收发室.m. 到3点.m. 获取分配给您的邮箱.

Q. 我可能有学生滞留. 我该怎么办??
A. 请 remember you will not be issued room keys if there are outstanding student holds. These holds could be caused from a number of things, all which require action on your part. Examples may include balances on your bill/not having a plan to pay your bill, immunization records/health records and incomplete financial aid packets/not being registered for classes. 如果你因为任何原因暂别, you will be notified and given instructions on what you must do to clear the hold by the 咨询中心. It will be your responsibility to make sure you have addressed the issues. Failure to do so will result in your inability to move into on-campus housing and attend classes. 你必须听取咨询中心的意见, 卫生服务, 金融援助 and other offices when addressing these issues as we're all here to support you as a community while you are here at Alfred University.

我需要床单,有人跟我说了安眠药. 这是什么??
We have partnered with an off-campus vendor to provide bedding and linens. 这些既可以寄到你家,也可以直接寄到这里. 请 访问多米尼的网站 了解更多.

Early arrivals are not allowed unless you are a member of a pre-approved group. 如果你是这样一个团体的成员, you will be contacted in early August about how to check-in to your campus assignment as it varies based on group. If you need to return early but are not required to by an AU program or team, 你必须联系住宿生活办公室,电话 607-871-2186 要求住宿. 如果获得许可,每晚将收取50美元的费用. 这笔费用将记入你的学生账户. 你应该提前回来而不提前清理吗, you will not be allowed in the halls until Saturday when the halls open for returning student check-in.

出于消防安全考虑, each room is equipped with a state-approved surge protector; one per person, 每一个房间. These meet the standard requirements of our NYS Fire Marshal and are the only surge protector allowed in on-campus housing at Alfred University. 如果电涌保护器在退房时丢失, 您的学生帐户将被收取更换费用. 如果需要,您可以购买额外的电涌保护器. 我们推荐这两种模式: